Docker Integration - XLRoutes

    XL Routes Static can be integrated with Docker in three easy steps.

    1. Sign-up for a free XLRoutes trial account. You can start with whatever plan suits you and change it at any point during or after your free trial.

    2. Follow our setup guide for the language of your choice in our Support documentation. If you language isn’t listed - or you want some assistance - just send our Support team an e-mail. You can be up and running with most languages with just a few lines of code.

    3. Set the xlroutesSTATIC_URL environment variable on container startup.

    Your unique xlroutesSTATIC_URL is displayed on our Setup screen for outbound connections.

    docker run -e xlroutesSTATIC_URL= app

    If you have any issues or challenges getting this setup, just drop us a line at Support so we can help you out.