Static Outbound IP Address
Direct your outbound traffic through a set of load-balanced static IP addresses using our proxy. This empowers you to integrate with third-party entities that mandate a specific IP for allow-listing or to enable secure traffic passage through your own firewall.

Static Inbound IP Address
Direct your inbound traffic through a set of load-balanced static IP addresses using our proxies. This enables you to expose your own restricted IP addresses to the external world and restrict access to your protected resources to only secure traffic. No modifications to your code are required.

Easy Setup
Instantly provision your preferred proxy, whether it's HTTP or SOCKS5. Most programming languages necessitate only a few lines of configuration code to begin routing through your static IPs. With our sample code, you can be up and running in just a few minutes.

2 IP Addresses
We furnish two load-balanced IP addresses, enabling XLRoutes to automatically switch to the other address if one fails. By allow-listing both IP addresses, you can obtain extra failover protection within your network in the event that one IP is blocked or inaccessible.

Low Latency
Our proxies run on AWS regions including the US-East-1 (N. Virginia), US-West-1 (Oregon), EU-West-1 (Ireland),
EU-Central-1 (Frankfurt), AP-Northeast-1 (Tokyo), AP-Southeast-1 (Sydney) and SA-East-1 (Sau Paulo) Amazon regions –
so we can serve you best.
You are able to choose which proxy you want to use at signup for ultra low

Detailed Analytics
Monitor your request and usage activity in real-time utilizing our Dashboard. We store 12 months of data, enabling you to observe trends in your usage and plan accordingly.

Perfect for Database Access
Our SOCKS proxy is ideal for directing your database traffic through a Static IP. It's certified for use with PostgresSQL, MySQL, and Oracle.

No Hard Stops
What if your app experiences a surge in traffic, causing you to surpass your current limit? No need to worry! We'll keep processing your requests. A member of our team will contact you to discuss an upgrade plan while your app continues to operate smoothly.

High Availability
Your traffic traverses a proxy cluster equipped with health monitoring, load-balancing, and automated failover capabilities, guaranteeing high availability.

Professional Support
We answer emails. We do one-on-one setup assistance.
Don’t believe the hype?
email us and see for yourself.

Easy setup to act as a traditional HTTP proxy or create tunnels for HTTPS traffic.
Simple Five Minute Setup for Static IP’s for any PaaS.
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